Award-winning German Jewish author Esther Dischereit will read from her new book Ein Haufen Dollarscheine/ A Bunch of Dollar Bills (publish date: 24 October 2024) and engage in a discussion about uncomfortable truths that linger in official sites of documentation, in family archives and in the memory of individuals that can be at odds with dominant narratives about the past.
About the book
Ein Haufen Dollarscheine, [A Bunch of Dollar Bills] takes us into the fragile, tender, and yet charged world of a family whose members are spread across continents (from Berlin to Chicago to Heppenheim to Rome) inhabiting bubbles that appear to be irreconcilable – and yet share the legacy of a past that binds them.
Nobel-Prize winning writer Elfriede Jelinek sees “in this rich book a Jewish variant of Rubens’s Fall of the Damned. This book is heavy and light at the same time, and that is an eminent art.”
More information on the speaker and the Ties that bind us series can be found, here.
Practical information
- Doors open at 5.30PM. The book reading starts at 6PM.
- The reading and discussion will be conducted mostly in English. Questions can be taken in English, Dutch, French and German.
- As Pepite Blues will provide a book stall during the event, you’ll be able to buy the book afterwards.
- You can book a free ticket on this page.