About us
The research group Histories of Art, Architecture and Visual Culture (VISU) offers a platform for fundamental research on the history and theory of art, architecture and visual culture from the early modern period up to the present. We study not only the artistic and architectural practice, the material object and the spatial environment, but also the broader cultural, historical and societal context, which often relates to current themes such as new media, visualisation of conflict and war, urbanisation, sustainability, multiculturality and globalisation. Key questions concern the circulation of images, artefacts, practices and knowledge across boundaries. These cross-overs are understood as mutual interactions between the different arts and as exchanges between different cultures, traditions, regions or periods.
Recent News
Call for papers: Jaarcongres Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw Familie, verwantschap en dynastie
Call for papers voor Jaarcongres Werkgroep Zeventiende Eeuw Familie, september 2025. Dit jaarcongres richt zich op dynastieke systemen en praktijken."Every Film is Political"
On 2 March, the Oscars will be awarded, and according to the British newspaper The Guardian, this year’s nominations are the most political ever. Katarzyna Ruchel-Stockmans is also pleasantly surprised by the selection.500 Years of Visual Journalism
Nowadays, we take it for granted that every news article in a newspaper is accompanied by a striking image. This image-driven journalism may seem like a phenomenon of our time, but the hunger for news images is centuries old.
- Practical info-
Lecture Archives de la photographie en RDCongo by Baudouin Bikoko
Global Art Histories lecture series are pleased to invite you to a seminar by curator and archivist Baudouin Bikoko (Kinshasa) titled 'Archives de la photographie en RDCongo' on 2 April 2025. - Practical info-
Reflective moment: Vases communicants, panel with Brenda Bikoko
During Trouble, Performance Festival, Brenda Bikoko will take part in the panel 'Reflective moment: Vases communicants' on Friday 18 April 2025. - Practical info-
Lezing: Tine Meganck over Bruegels Dulle Griet
Op Pieter Bruegels wereldberoemde Dulle Griet raak je nooit uitgekeken. Bruegel-onderzoeker Tine Meganck laat haar licht schijnen op zijn meesterwerk op zondag 6 april 2025 bij Museum Mayer van den Bergh.