Marlise Rijks
Marlise Rijks is assistant professor of Early Modern Art at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and postdoc researcher at Ghent University. Her research focuses on art, science, and technology in the Early Modern period, in particular of the Low Countries. She is currently working on the research project Printing Images in the Early Modern Low Countries. Patents, Copyrights, and the Separation of Art and Technology, 1555-1795 (FWO). She is also a board member of the Dutch Museum of Lithography in Valkenswaard and editorial board member of Jaarboek de Zeventiende Eeuw.
She obtained her PhD (2016) at Ghent University with a dissertation about artists’ and artisans’ collections in Early Modern Antwerp. This was a joint-project with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. Recently, the monograph of this project was published under the title Artists’ and Artisans’ Collections in Early Modern Antwerp. Catalysts of Innovation (2022).
Marlise Rijks has worked at Leiden University, Utrecht University, the Centrum Rubenianum in Antwerp, and the Huygens ING in The Hague, and held fellowships at the Science History Institute in Philadelphia and the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel.
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