Caterina Cardamone
Caterina Cardamone obtained her PhD in Architectural History at the University of Florence in 2002. Since her dissertation, her research has mainly focused on the reception of the Renaissance tradition in Viennese modern architecture. She is currently part of a Vienna-based research group on the unpublished writings of Austrian architect Josef Frank (1885-1967). Her research interests also include Italian Quattrocento architecture, in particular Italian 15th-century centralised churches and Renaissance treatises as vehicles for the circulation of building techniques. Since 2022 Caterina Cardamone is also part of a research group at the University of Florence about the material and immaterial construction of Italian identity in the 19th century. Her contributions were published, among others, by Electa (Milan), in Annali di architettura and Architectural Histories.
For a complete list of publications, see Academia.
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1050 Brussel